Norfolk and Suffolk
Man and Van
For a friendly, professional and reliable service
Fully Insured for Goods in Transit and Public Liability
Call or Text for a Free Quote:
01502 717671 or 07532 008379
Let's Talk...
Norfolk and Suffolk
Man and Van Services

This Privacy Policy is for Norfolk & Suffolk Man & Van, website: and governs the privacy of its visitors. It explains how we comply with the EU's GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) legislation and the DPA (Data Protection Act). As a business that holds personal data relating to you - our customer, we are legally obliged to inform you of the personal data we hold for you and how we will use it.
The DPA & GDPR - MAY 2018
This website complies with the DPA (Data Protection Act 1998) and the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), effective from May 2018.
This website, collects data using the above contact form which generates emails sent to:
By completing this contact form you agree to Norfolk & Suffolk Man & Van contacting you about Norfolk & Suffolk Man & Van services. You will not be added to any mailing lists and will only be contacted by Norfolk & Suffolk Man & Van personally in relation to your enquiry. Your personal details will not be used for any marketing purposes, nor will they be passed onto any third parties. They will only be stored in the email generated by this contact form, unless further contact is made. Norfolk & Suffolk Man & Van does not collect any more data than is necessary to the enquiry/booking.
The information we may hold includes:
Addresses (for collection & delivery).
Telephone numbers (as supplied by yourselves).
Email address (as supplied by yourselves).
Enquiry/booking details.
We will send you communications which you have requested:
To give you information that you request from us.
To process bookings that you have submitted.
To process information requests that you have submitted.
To seek your views or comments after we have provided a service for you.
Keeping your data private and secure is of the utmost importance to us and we do not and will never share your information with third parties. The only exception to this is if we are under a duty to disclose or share data in order to comply with any legal obligation.
We do NOT conduct general marketing, and as such any emails you receive from us would only be in response to your enquiries, or in relation to current bookings.
We will only hold data that is necessary for us to process the enquiry/booking.
Any correspondence from an enquiry that does not result in a booking will be deleted after 3 months.
Minimal data held from a booking will be kept for up to 6 years for Self-Assessment Tax purposes.
By submitting the contact form provided, you are agreeing to the data being used for this purpose.